Our Story

Although we at Mauro Capital Management enjoy the strategic and tactical aspects of financial planning, over the years we have discovered the most rewarding part of our jobs is the people we serve—getting to know them, their families, their hopes, their concerns and their goals, both financial and personal. “Client” is a generic term widely used by financial planners. But here, we are always mindful of the fact that that we’re working with people—people who rely on us for advice that shapes their financial future, and we don’t take that trust for granted.

When you become a client, you can count on us to show up. We do that by being good listeners and by creating a wealth plan that works for you. To us, showing up also means doing more than we’ve promised, sooner than we’ve promised and getting back to you right away when you reach out to us with questions.

We consider ourselves educators first and investors second. We want to make sure as our client that you understand the basis for our portfolio recommendations, so we’ll always involve you in the decision-making process. This is a key element of our service model, which also includes quarterly reviews. Between reviews, we’ll reach out to you when necessary and will encourage you to do the same.

We work with many multigenerational families, many of whom have been our clients for decades. As our client, we’ll focus on helping you and your adult children preserve, grow and share savings. And we’ll work hard to ensure that the money you’ve worked so hard to accumulate will be there when you need it for a comfortable retirement. But we’ll also help you build in savings for that vacation you’ve always wanted to take and any other bucket list dream you don’t want to put off until retirement.

As a longtime mountain climber, I’ve learned that every big mountain is just a lot of little mountains to be conquered one at a time. The same holds true when it comes to investing. If you focus only on the summit rather than the small mountains, reaching the top may seem daunting. It’s human nature to forget to enjoy what each day brings when you’ve set out to accomplish a lofty, long-term goal. In the end, we’re happy when you know we’re looking out for you so you can focus life’s meaningful moments with family and friends instead of worrying about money.